Avoid those 9 mistakes to boost your SEO

To avoid putting both feet into Black Hat SEO, it is necessary to know its practices, in order to know how to spot and avoid them. In addition, it is widely recommended to follow Google's advice for SEO of a website.

1. Keyword stuffing

This is keyword overuse, literally “keyword stuffing”, which consists of including them in an unnatural way in content, metadata, titles, etc. Keywork stuffing harms the quality of content and penalizes the site ranking.

2. Automatically Generated or Duplicate Content

This practice is defined by the creation of low quality or copied content with the aim of manipulating search engine rankings, without providing added value to users.

3. Hidden Text and Content Hiding

Techniques can be used to hide text from users of a website, for example by using a text color identical to that of the background. If the Internet user does not see these texts, they are visible to search engines and often filled with keywords. But the site's ranking will be significantly degraded if Google realizes this, and this is often the case!

4. Satellite pages

Another Black Hat SEO technique is the creation of low-quality pages intended only to rank for specific keywords, again without providing added value for Internet users. They most often aim to redirect traffic to a certain page.

5. Cloaking

This is the practice of presenting different versions of a web page to search engines and users. When a robot analyzes the page, it sees a version designed only to impress it and fool its algorithm. At the same time, when a user visits the same page, they see a different version, perhaps less optimized for SEO but more commercial, or even a version unrelated to what the search engine has indexed.

6. Paid or manipulative links

This frequently used method involves obtaining links to a website in an artificial or unethical way. This may include purchasing links without clearly indicating that they are paid for, exchanging links excessively with other sites, using software to automatically create links, or leaving irrelevant comments on blogs or sites. forums to insert links.

7. Misuse of structured data and rich snippets

This practice involves using special data on a website to provide false or misleading information. The goal is often to make the site appear higher in search results or attract more clicks. This special data, called structured data and rich snippets, is normally used to help display accurate and useful information in search results, such as reviews or product summaries.

8. Deceptive redirects

When a website automatically redirects visitors to a page other than the one indexed by search engines, this is called a deceptive redirection. This technique is often used to try to manipulate search results by showing search engines higher quality or more relevant content than what users see.

9. Negative SEO

Negative SEO consists of attempting to harm the ranking of a competing site, by directing a large number of unnatural or poor quality links towards it, in the hope that it will be penalized by search engines, thus resulting in a less good indexing and a drop in its authority.

If you're ready to get started on your new website, contact us today for a free consultation.

We'll work with you to understand your vision for your website and then create a custom design that meets your needs. We also offer a variety of SEO and support services to help you get the most out of your website.

Dhwty U.B

I am a business consultant who develop marketing and business management strategies that work for your company.


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